Saba Akbar

Saba Akbar

How Long to Bake Chicken Breast at 425 Degrees?

How Long to Bake Chicken Breast at 425 Degrees?

I can recall how many times I tried baking perfectly juicy and cooked chicken breast and ended up with drier inside. I tested different recipes, tips, and temperature ranges until I cracked the secret of carryover cooking. Yes, it was…

Difference Between Chicago Pizza vs. New York Style Pizza

Difference Between Chicago Pizza vs. New York Style Pizza

Chicago-style pizza and New York-style pizzas, two offsprings of American Italian cuisine, are poles apart, from ingredients to the dining experience. Chicago style and New York pizza primarily differ in the crust: Chicago’s is deep-dish, like a casserole; on the…

Do Hot Cheetos Have Red 40? Yes

Do Hot Cheetos Have Red 40?

Craving the fiery heat and cheesy crunch of Flamin’ Hot Cheetos?  Before you dive in, you might be curious about the ingredients lurking beneath that vibrant red dust. So, the burning question is: do Hot Cheetos have Red 40 dye?…

24 Types of Pizza Crust

24 Types of Pizza Crust to Know in 2024

Lost in the pizza world, want to know how many types of pizza crust there are? There are 24 distinctive types of most common pizza crusts (though some lesser common ones also exist). Including traditional, and non-traditional pizza crust types…