Is 12 Inch Pizza Enough for 2?

You’re two and wondering if a 12 inch pizza can be enough for you? This quick blog post is for you. In this blog post, you’ll explore the maths of a 12-inch pizza size and its serving capacity (caloric content) to know whether it fulfils the hunger pangs of a duo.

Let’s know without further ado.

How Big is a 12-inch Pizza?

A standard 12-inch pizza boasts a surface area of 113 square inches and 6 to 8 slices. With regular crust it packs a punch at 1672 calories. Its thin crust version covers a count of 1468 calories; and a thicker crust has up to 1760 calories in total.

Is 12 Inch Pizza Enough for 2?

Yes, 12 inch pizza is enough for 2–it’s highly satiating for extremely hungry two persons. Yet, for those with moderate hunger for pizza, it can be more than enough – you may have 2 slices as leftover.


Here is a table summarizing the calorie consumption information for adults, per meal.

Hunger LevelCalories Consumed
Very Hungry757 calories
Moderately Hungry567 calories
Little Appetite for Pizza454 calories

Keeping this in mind, it’s easy to break down how satiating a 12-inch pizza with regular, thick or thin crust can be for 2. Here it is:

  • A regular crust 12-inch pizza contains around 1672 calories. It’s best to serve 2 extremely hungry adults, 3 adults with moderate hunger for pizza and 4 adults who have pizza with some sides or have little appetite for pizza
  • A 12-inch thin-crust pizza has 1468 calories. Keeping individual energy needs according to satiety level, previously mentioned, this size is enough to feed 2-3 adults.
  • A thick crust pizza of 12-inch size, of course, has more calories: 1760 calories. So, it can serve 2-4 adults. Yet, when serving 2, about 2 slices with be left as extra.

Simply put,

A 12-inch pizza is enough for very hungry two…and sometimes may leave some leftovers as well. If you’ve average hunger, I’d rather advise you to go for the 10 inch pizza size, which is perfect, rather.

If you want to opt for 12 inch pizza size, be mindful of the type of crust and sharing the delight with a friend, you can relish every slice guilt-free. 

Sharing truly is caring, especially for satisfying your pizza cravings.

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Saba Akbar
Saba Akbar

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