Clementines vs. Cuties, What’s the Difference?

Do you wonder if Clementines and Cuties are two different citrus fruits? 

No, they’re not different. 

Clementines are a variety of smallest, seedless, and easy-to-peel oranges. They’re sold under the brand name Cuties.

But it’s not that simple to describe cuties as Clementines or Clementines under the brand name “Cuties.”

Then, what?

This short article will let you understand the confusing similarity. So, next time when you pick Clementines in winter, you’ll know what you are going to have. 

Let’s know the truth in the next 3 minutes.

What are Clementines?

Clementines are small, round citrus fruits that are a hybrid between a mandarin orange and a sweet orange. Clementines are known for their sweet, juicy, and slightly tangy flavor.

A French missionary named Father Clement Rodier discovered Clementines in the early 20th century in Algeria by a French missionary named Father Clement Rodier. Since then, they’ve gained popularity worldwide.

They’re typically seedless and have thin, easy-to-peel skin. For its size and seedless properties, it makes an ideal and healthy snack. You can divide the fruit into two segments and eat it.

Clementines are rich in vitamin C, antioxidants, and other nutrients. You can enjoy them on their own, as part of fruit salads, or used in various sweet and savory recipes.

What are “Cuties”?

“Cuties” is a brand selling two varieties of small, seedless (or almost seedless), and easy-to-peel citrus fruits belonging to the mandarin orange family. These two citrus varieties are Clementines and Murcotts. 

“Cuties” is owned by Sun Pacific, a privately-owned citrus grower and distributor based in California, USA.

The company was founded in 1969 and has since grown as the largest grower of citrus fruits in the United States. It operates in California, Arizona, and Texas. Besides Cuties, Sun Pacific also sells other citrus fruits such as navel oranges, lemons, and grapefruits.

Primarily, “Cuties” has 2 varieties of mandarin orange:

  • From November to January, they sell Clementines. These original Clementines are sweet, tangy, round, and small.
  • And from February to April, they sell another citrus variety known as Murcott. Murcott is also known as Honey Tangerines or Temple Oranges. They’re sweeter than Clementines and have no tangy flavor. But, they’re also bulky than Clementines. You can refer to their flavor as “honey-like.” Also, they have thinner skin.

So, next time when you buy “Cuties,” and they taste tangy, you’ve got the clementines. And, if they’re sweet with no sourness, you’re snacking on Murcotts.

What’s the Difference Between Clementines vs. Murcotts?

All is clear now. But here is one more thing that you should know to enjoy small heavenly oranges. 

You know what?

Your actual query changes here…!

It should be like, “What’s the difference between Clementines and Murcotts?”

Though both oranges are small, sweet citrus fruits that are similar in appearance and taste, there are a few key differences between the two:


Clementines are a type of mandarin orange that originated in North Africa. Murcott is a hybrid of a tangerine and a sweet orange that was developed in Florida.

Former roots back to Africa; and later in America…

Size and Shape

Clementines are typically small, round, and slightly flattened in shape, usually measuring about 2-3 inches in diameter. 

Murcotts, on the other hand, are slightly larger and more oblong or oval-shaped, usually measuring about 2.5-3.5 inches in length. Besides this, Murcotts may have a slightly thicker peel than Clementines. 

Taste and Flavor 

Clementines have a bright, tangy-sweet flavor with a hint of acidity. And they’re seedless. They’re also easy to peel. So, you can separate them into segments–a convenient snack for the on-the-go.

Murcotts, on the other hand, have a more complex flavor profile that is both sweet with a hint of spiciness. They may have a few seeds but are easy to peel and eat.


Clementines are typically in season from November to January. Yet, they may be available in some areas through February. 

Murcott is usually available in season from January to April.

So, if you’re looking for Clementines, you’ll find them more readily available in the late fall and early winter months. However, Murcotts are usually more abundant in the early spring.

Please remember that the exact timing of the season for both Clementines and Murcotts can vary! 


It depends on factors like growing location and weather conditions. These factors can affect the fruit’s ripening and availability. 


Now that you’re well aware of the difference between Clementines Vs. Cuties, grab a bag of clementines or Cuties at the grocery store without worrying a lot. Enjoy your delicious and healthy snack without sharing the few Cuties, aka Clementines, with us.

We don’t mind it!

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Cashmere Muhammad
Cashmere Muhammad

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