What’re the Authentic Colors of Himalayan Salt? 

Do you want to know how many colors of genuine Himalayan salt are found? Chances are you don’t want to be looted by getting fake Himalayan salt. I’ll help you choose only authentic Himalayan salt through this well-researched article is for you. Here I’ll help you know about the original colors of Himalayan salt.

Let’s start.

Why Does Himalayan Salt Have Varying Colors? Let’s Know First.

The Himalayan salt varies in color owing to its mineral composition.

Here’s a comparison table highlighting the different minerals found in white, pink, and red Himalayan salt:

MineralsWhite Himalayan SaltPink Himalayan SaltRed Himalayan Salt
Trace MineralsAbundantAbundantAbundant
Flavor ProfileMildMildRobust

Yet, the mineral content can vary slightly between different batches and sources of Himalayan salt.

What are the Colors of Himalayan Salt?

Here are details about Himalayan salt colors.

1. White to grey color rock salt with 96-98% sodium

White is the most common color in Himalayan rock salt. It’s mined in Pakistan’s Himalayan ranges. 

It’s pure sodium chloride with trace amounts of other minerals, such as calcium, iron, zinc, and chromium. The color of white Himalayan salt ranges from white to light pink or grey, depending on the concentration of minerals.

White Himalayan salt is often used as a culinary salt, as it has a mild flavor and a slightly crunchy texture. It is also used in lamps, bath products, and other decorative items.

Pink Color

Pink Himalayan salt is considered one of the purest salt forms available since it comes from ancient sea salt deposits that modern pollution has not touched. It contains various minerals and trace elements like calcium, magnesium, potassium, and iron, contributing to its color and potential health benefits. These trace minerals, particularly iron oxide, give Himalayan pink salt its pink hue, ranging from pale pink to deep rose. 

Himalayan salt is known for its longer shelf life, its culinary and decorative uses. Pink salt lamps are believed to generate negative ions and improve air quality while reducing stress.

Despite claims of pink salt health benefits vs. other salt types, no scientific evidence supports these assertions. Although relatively expensive, Himalayan pink salt remains a popular, natural, and versatile option.

Orange, Red, or Brown

Authentic Himalayan salt is primarily known for its pink color, but it can also exhibit variations and hues that range from off-white to orange. 

The presence of an orange hue in Himalayan salt is often attributed to iron oxide, also known as rust. Iron oxide is a naturally occurring mineral that can give the salt a warm orange tint.

The varying shades of orange in Himalayan salt, from orange to reddish brown, can be because of the iron oxide concentration in the salt deposits and the specific geological conditions during the salt formation process. These factors can cause different intensities and variations of the orange coloration.

It’s worth noting that orange is not as common as pink in Himalayan salt and may be found in specific salt deposits or regions.

Green, Greenish-Blue, or Greenish Yellow as Some Lesser Found Colors

Himalayan salt can sometimes exhibit green or greenish tones and shades of greenish-blue or greenish-yellow. It’s a rarest type of Himalayan salt that is found in the Khewra Salt Mine in Pakistan. 

The green color is caused by the presence of a mineral called chlorapatite. Chlorapatite is a calcium phosphate mineral that is often found in association with other minerals, such as halite and gypsum.

Himalayan pink salt with green inclusions has a slightly different flavor than regular Himalayan pink salt. It has a slightly sweet and earthy flavor. Besides it culinary uses, it’s also used in some alternative health practices, such as salt therapy. 

However, green Himalayan salt may be less readily available than the traditional pink variety. Some companies might also add artificial dyes to create green-colored salts. So, you must confirm the authenticity of green Himalayan salt before paying a heavy amount for it.

There is limited scientific evidence to support the claims that Himalayan pink salt with green inclusions has any health benefits. However, many people believe it’s a healthy and natural alternative to other types of salt.

What are a Few False Colors of Himalayan Salt Mostly Advertised?

Besides knowing the Himalayan rock salt’s color variations, it’s also equally essential to be aware of its falsely advertised colors.

They’re deceiving!

Below I’ve discussed a few false colors of salt propagated as Himalayan salt variations.


Purple-colored salt, when labeled as Himalayan salt, may not be genuine Himalayan salt. The salt may be artificially colored or mixed with other substances to achieve the purple hue. 

Some companies may add natural or synthetic dyes to salt to create visually appealing variations, but these products may not have the same mineral composition or authenticity as pure Himalayan salt.

If you find purple Himalayan salt, it’s not authentic Himalayan salt.


Authentic Himalayan salt is primarily known for its white, pink, orange, red, brown, or green color, not blue. If you see salt labeled as blue Himalayan salt, the color has most likely been added artificially. So, it’s good to be skeptical when you see blue Himalayan salt on the market.

However, a type of salt called Persian blue salt is found in blue color. Persian blue salt is a type of rock salt that is mined in Iran. It is a deep blue color because of the presence of a mineral called copper sulfate. Persian blue salt is often used in cooking, as it has a mild flavor and a slightly crunchy texture. It is also used in some alternative health practices, such as salt therapy.

Persian blue salt is a relatively rare type of salt and is more expensive than Himalayan salt. And, if the blue salt is labeled as Himalayan salt, it’s neither Himalayan rock salt nor Persian.


Why is Himalayan salt black?

Himalayan black salt is not naturally black, nor is it harvested. Heating pink Himalayan salt with herbs, spices, and charcoal creates a chemical reaction that produces sulfur compounds, which give it a black color and sulfurous flavor. 

The process includes crushing the salt, mixing it with herbs and charcoal, heating it in a kiln for 24 hours, and grinding it into a fine powder. People use black salt in Indian cuisine, and it is popular among vegans because of its strong sulfurous flavor. 

It stimulates bile production that aids digestion, relieves heartburn and bloating, and potentially lowers blood pressure. It contains essential minerals such as iron, potassium, and magnesium. While it is safe in small quantities, some individuals may experience side effects like nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea. If these side effects occur, it is advisable to discontinue use and consult a doctor.

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Cashmere Muhammad
Cashmere Muhammad

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